Stacked Waterfall charts breakdown an overall value into individual contributing elements. As they combine the virtues of Waterfall charts with those of Stacked Column charts, they show two levels of contribution: the contribution of an element to a stack and the contribution of that stack to the overall outcome.
Stacked Waterfall Helper for Excel
Generate waterfall charts in a flash with this free add-in
Agenda Helper for PowerPoint
Effortlessly manage agendas and table of content slides with this free add-in.
When creating presentations you often need to send a few selected slides of a larger deck to colleagues or superiors for gathering either input or approval. Sending the entire presentation deck is performed quickly in PowerPoint, but you would not want to confuse the recepients with many unnecessairy extra slides. However, sending just the relevant slides requires manually creating a new presentation with this relevant subset of slides. With Slides to Mail Helper you can do it with one click.
Slides to Mail Helper Add-In for PowerPoint